Saturday, September 13, 2014

Magnetic Wall Chess or Checkers

This project appeared on the Silhouette blog a few days ago, but I was on vacation and didn't have time to post a sneak peek.  I hope you'll head over there now to check out the step-by-step instructions for creating both the wooden game board and the magnetic game pieces:

I've been looking for creative ways to decorate my new game room, and with limited space it just made sense to have some of my decor play double duty.  So, this finished wood chess/checker board is pretty enough to hang on the wall as decoration, saves room since you can play right there on the wall (great for never-ending chess games), and can be brought to the table for normal play if needed.

As you might be able to see from the pictures, I haven't had a chance to hang it up yet.  Since we'll eventually be bringing in some sort of table game to the space, I wanted to wait until that was installed before deciding on the placement of all of my other decor...and this sucker is heavy enough to require anchors (I don't want to mess up my new walls by moving it around!).  I'd love to hear what you think after you check it out!

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